
Thursday, August 28, 2008

Gustav’s effect on Baton Rouge could be messy

A direct hit or near hit on Baton Rouge from a powerful Hurricane Gustav would not be catastrophic, though it would be a mess, says Dane Dartez, a research associate with the LSU Hurricane Center.

The Capital Region, being more than 60 miles from the coast, doesn't have to worry about a storm surge, though the Mississippi River would rise because of pressure on the river from the south, while homes in low-lying areas would flood from heavy rainfall. Dartez particularly cites development along the low-elevation Maurepas Swamp region in Ascension Parish as being vulnerable to flooding. The likely scenario for the Baton Rouge region could be similar to the drenching Tropical Storm Allison delivered in 2001, but with stronger, damaging winds. Expect downed trees and power lines, and the inconvenience of being without power, possibly for several days, if Gustav strikes the Capital Region.

—Steve Clark

:: Baton Rouge Business Report :: Daily Report

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